Some craziness has gone on in this past week. Let me recap for you:
Lunedi (Monday): We had class on the Spanish Steps! Which, by the way, were actually made by the French so they're not really Spanish. Anywhoo...we had an assignment which was to go into one flagship store in the area we were in and take a survey of the space and get notes/sketches/pictures, etc. for ideas for our retail design coming up. (I'm partners with Mary Kate for this project btw) We were assigned Louis Vuitton. Now, yes that's crazy that we will be walking into a Louis Vuitton, but to intimidate us more it's the 6th best retail designed Louis Vuitton in the entire world. Yes. Scary concept. So we head towards the store. We walk in and ask the front security guard if we are allowed to take pictures. He said no. So we walk in with our assignment sheet and sketchbooks in hand. About halfway through of us surveying the space a lady who works there comes up to us and starts speaking to us in Italian. I guess we looked like natives that day! Once she realizes we don't have any idea what she's saying, she asks us in English what we were doing. We had to give her a very detailed explanation on what we were doing, showing her our assignment sheet and all. Ever since that moment happened, our every move was documented in the security personnel's minds. We were watched like hawks on every single level of that store. However, the store itself was incredible. Words can't justify it. It used to the Rome's first cinema that was converted into the Louis Vuitton. They kept part of the cinema in the store. It seats 18 people and they still have movie showings on occasion. It was a crazy awkward day.
Venerdi (Friday): Some of you know this, some of you may not who knows. I don't know how much y'all stalk me haha but I shaved part of my head! I swear being here is making more crazy. Partially it's because I'm living with Mary Kate :p anyways, yeah I shaved part of my head. And.... I love it!! I think it's super awesome and pretty badass (sorry for language :p) haha I feel pretty cool and I enjoy the change a lot. It was weird having someone who's native language is not your own cut your hair. A very popular phrase around here now is taglio no tinta, which is cut no color. I was not about to go red!
Oggi/Sabato (Today/Saturday): To end the week of crazy, my life level of crazy got bumped up by having the ability to go to Tuscany for the day. Apartment B9 room C (me, Mary Kate, and Sally) took a day trip to Tuscany while the majority of the other ID students took an optional trip to Assisi. We first stopped in Montepulciano and had a cellar tour with some wine tasting. The wine was good! But the cheese they served with it was absolutely amazing. The spicy one was my favorite and even though it was kinda pricey, I regret not buying the wheel of it. I'm totally going to look it up online and see if I can find that place. I want that cheese!! We then had a little down time to ourselves in this adorable town. We saw absolutely incredible views that words and pictures can't justify. We also saw the building where Edward from Twilight walks out without a shirt on and sparkles :p It was a surreal moment even if you aren't the biggest Twilight fan. We then stopped for lunch at a cute little restaurant and did a little shopping before moving on. Our next and final stop was in Montaicino. Here, we got a vineyard tour along with a cellar tour and more wine tasting. No cheese tasting here, but the wine was better! I enjoyed the selection a lot more and bought myself a 10 Euro bottle of wine. The trip was completely worth it and I fell head over heels in love with Tuscany. I will be going back one day in my life I'll guarantee it.
I have now shared all my craziness with you all! You may think I'm crazy for thinking it's crazy, but hey if you have an opinion that means you actually care enough to be reading through my blog :) Till next time!
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